The 3, 3, 8, 8 Puzzle

I was inspired by this puzzle to create a program which could solve the problem for me. I figured I'd use F# because it's starting to look really cool.

Here's my F# solution code as a script:

// Light F# syntax.

// Definition of the binary operator type.
type BinOp = (Math.BigNum -> Math.BigNum -> Math.BigNum)

// Terms in the postfix expression are either numbers or operators.
type Term = 
    | Number of Math.BigNum
    | Operator of BinOp

// The result of an operation is either a number or Invalid.
type Result =
    | Answer of Math.BigNum
    | Invalid

// Array of possible numbers and operators.
let postfix_terms = 
    [|Number 3N;
      Number 8N;
      Operator (fun (x:Math.BigNum) (y:Math.BigNum) -> x + y);
      Operator (fun (x:Math.BigNum) (y:Math.BigNum) -> x - y);
      Operator (fun (x:Math.BigNum) (y:Math.BigNum) -> x * y);
      Operator (fun (x:Math.BigNum) (y:Math.BigNum) -> x / y)|]

// Increments a number in base 6. The number is represented as a string of
// integers. Overflow is not accounted for (i.e. the length of the number
// doesn't change). The base is 6 because the digits of the number are used
// to index the postfix_terms array and there are 6 elements in the array.
// Example (in base 6):
// [5;5;3;5;5;2;1]
// +1
// ---------------
// [0;0;4;5;5;2;1]
let rec inc_indexer indexer =
    match indexer with
    | hd::tl ->
        match hd with
        | 5 -> 0::(inc_indexer tl)
        | _ -> (hd+1)::tl
    | _ -> []

// Uses the indexer to generate a possible expression based on the char_vec.
let rec gen_string indexer =
    match indexer with
    | hd::tl -> postfix_terms.(hd)::(gen_string tl)
    | _ -> []

// Evaluates a postfix expression and returns the resulting number or Invalid.
let rec evaluator expr acc =
    match expr with
    // Numbers go on the accumulator stack.
    | Number hd::tl -> evaluator tl (hd::acc)
    // Operators are evaluated with the top two numbers on the stack.
    | Operator hd::tl -> 
        match acc.Length with
        // First make sure there are enough elements in the accumulator.
        | 0 -> Invalid
        | 1 -> Invalid
        // Now apply the operator and evaluate recursively.
        | _ -> (evaluator tl ((hd acc.Tail.Head acc.Head)::(acc.Tail.Tail)))
    // When the stack is empty, the accumulator should hold the result.
    | _ ->
        match acc with
        | hd::[] -> Answer hd
        | _ -> Invalid

// Prints a list of integers. This is used to print the indexer list which
// in turn is used to generate the postfix expression.
let rec print_list lst =
    match lst with
    | hd::tl -> 
        printf "%i " hd
        print_list tl
    | [] -> printf "-> "

// Returns true if the list of terms contains two 3's and two 8's and false
// otherwise.
let rec validate terms eights threes =
    match terms with
    | Number a::tl ->
        match (a.ToString()) with
        | "3" -> validate tl eights (threes+1)
        | "8" -> validate tl (eights+1) threes
        | _ -> validate tl eights threes
    | [] ->
        match eights with
        | 2 ->
            match threes with
            | 2 -> true
            | _ -> false
        | _ -> false
    | _::tl -> validate tl eights threes

// Evaluates all possible postfix expressions and halts if it finds '24'
let rec process index =
    let new_index = (inc_indexer index)
    let new_strng = (gen_string new_index)
    match (validate new_strng 0 0) with
    | true ->
        match (evaluator new_strng []) with
        | Invalid ->
            process new_index
        | Answer a ->
            match (a.ToString()) with
            | "24" ->
                print_list new_index
                printf "%s\n" (a.ToString())
            | _ ->
                print_list new_index
                printf "%s\n" (a.ToString())
                process new_index
    | false -> process new_index

process [0;0;0;0;0;0;0]


The answer that it halts on is: 1 0 1 0 5 3 5 → 24

Which, according to the mapping, is, in postfix notation: 8 3 8 3 / - /

Which is, in infix notation: (8 / (3 - (8 / 3)))

Which is the correct answer :^)

random/3388.txt · Last modified: 2007/12/16 08:29 by grant