C++ Training¶
C++ Course Outline
Copyright © 2018 Grant Jenks. All Rights Reserved.
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Day 1¶
C++ is Awesome Presentation¶
- Success factors context
- History of the language
- Modern features
Grand Tour of Modern C++11¶
- Uniform initialization syntax and automatic type deduction
- Defaulted, delegated, and deleted special member functions
- Move semantics, rvalue references, and value categories
- Convenient syntax: lambda functions and range-based for-loops
- Type-safety: typed-nullptr, typed-enums, and variadic templates
- Compile-time features: “constexpr” keyword and static_assert
- STL features: multi-threading, smart pointers, chrono, regex
Day 2¶
Object-Oriented Programming¶
- Characterizing “has a” and “is a” relationships
- Inheritance, “virtual” keyword, and vtable implementation
- Special member functions and the rule of 3/5/0
- Constructors and member initializer lists
- Base and derived class construction and destruction
- Access modifiers – public, protected, and private
Resource-Safe C++ Basics¶
- Exceptions: “try/catch”, “throw”, “noexcept”, std::exception hierarchy
- RAII – Resource Acquisition Is Initialization
- Error codes – benefits and drawbacks
- Swap operation, “friend” keyword, and copy-and-swap idiom
- Exceptions thrown from constructors and destructors
Operator Overloading¶
- Commonly overloaded operators
- Operator overloading best practices
- Prefix vs. postfix increment operators
- Member functions vs non-member functions
- Type conversions and the “explicit” keyword
Day 3¶
Resource-Safe C++ in Practice¶
- Exception-safety levels, guarantees, and neutrality
- Member initialization order
- Allocations, copies, and exceptions
- Delegating constructors
- Move-and-swap idiom
Smart Pointers¶
- Value Categories – lvalue, rvalue, prvalue, xvalue, glvalue
- Value categories and argument passing overloads
- Move semantics, copies, and copy elision optimization
- Argument-dependent name lookup (Koenig Lookup)
- Function call argument evaluation order
- Unique-pointer and shared-pointer semantics
Day 4¶
- Braces initialization, type narrowing, and the “most vexing parse”
- Benefits and drawbacks of the “auto” and “decltype” keywords
- User defined literals
STL Containers¶
- Basics: array, vector, deque, forward_list, and list
- Container adaptors: stack, queue, and priority_queue
- Trees and hashes: set and map with multi-* and unordered_* variants
- Iterators: traversal, insertion, output, and utilities
STL Algorithms¶
- Basics: fill, for_each, copy, transform, rotate, accumulate, iota
- Variations: policy functors, *_if variants, *_n variants
- Range-based for-loop semantics
- Utilities: bind, operators, hash, pair, tuple
- Challenge and science of benchmarking
- Understanding profiles and flame graphs
- Timing language features: new/delete, exceptions, smart pointers, etc.
- Timing STL features: vector vs. list, map vs. unordered_map, etc.