Source code for replay.models

"""Django Replay Models

* Remember to use dumpdata and loaddata!
* Do not make actions into templates/generics without great care! Some data
  like files may be deleted because they are stored outside the database.

import base64
import json
import logging
import re
import string
import uuid

from django.db import models
from django.test import Client

    ('GET', 'GET'),
    ('POST', 'POST'),

def expand(text, mapping):
    template = string.Template(text)
    return template.substitute(mapping)

[docs]class Scenario(models.Model): name = models.TextField(unique=True) priority = models.FloatField( default=1.0, help_text='Scenarios are run in ascending priority.', ) def test(self, client=None, state=None): if client is None: client = Client() if state is None: state = {} log = logging.getLogger('replay.test') log.debug('Scenario: %r', self) actions = Action.objects.filter(scenario=self).order_by('order', 'id') errors = [] for action in actions: log.debug('Action: %r', action) status_code, content = self._request(client, action, state) if status_code != action.status_code: message = 'FAIL %r status code: %s expected: %s' data = action, status_code, action.status_code log.error(message, *data) errors.append(message % data) for key, value in state.items(): log.error('FAIL %s = %s', key, value) break validators = Validator.objects.filter(action=action) validators = validators.order_by('order', 'id') if validators: if isinstance(content, bytes): content = content.decode('utf-8') for validator in validators: pattern = expand(validator.pattern, state) match =, content) if match: log.debug('Validator: %r', validator) state.update(match.groupdict()) else: log.error('Pattern: %s', pattern) log.error('Content: %s', content) message = 'FAIL %r - %r' data = action, validator log.error(message, *data) errors.append(message % (action, validator)) if errors: raise AssertionError(str(errors)) @staticmethod def _request(client, action, state): func = getattr(client, action.method.lower()) uuid_bytes = uuid.uuid4().bytes uuid_base64 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(uuid_bytes) uuid_clean = uuid_base64.strip(b'=').decode() state['__uuid'] = uuid_clean data = json.loads(expand(, state)) files = json.loads(expand(action.files, state)) path = expand(action.path, state) for key, value in files.items(): data[key] = open(value, 'rb') response = func(path, data) status_code = str(response.status_code) redirect = '300' <= status_code < '400' content = response.url if redirect else response.content return status_code, content def __str__(self): return
[docs]class Action(models.Model): scenario = models.ForeignKey( Scenario, null=True, blank=True, default=None, on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) order = models.FloatField( default=1.0, help_text='Actions are run in ascending order.', ) name = models.TextField(blank=True, default='') method = models.CharField(max_length=8, choices=HTTP_METHODS) path = models.TextField() data = models.TextField( help_text='HTTP parameters in JSON format. Supports string templating.' ' Example: $name or $(name).', ) files = models.TextField( help_text='Uploaded files in JSON format. Key and value pairs' ' correspond to filename and file-path pairs. Supports string' ' templating. Example: $name and $(name).', ) status_code = models.CharField(max_length=3) content = models.TextField(blank=True) def __str__(self): value = or repr(self) return value[:68] def __repr__(self): return f'<{type(self).__name__}: {} {self.method} {self.path}>'
[docs]class Validator(models.Model): action = models.ForeignKey( Action, related_name='validators', on_delete=models.CASCADE, ) order = models.FloatField( default=1.0, help_text='Validators are run in ascending order.', ) pattern = models.TextField( help_text='Matched against HTTP response. Supports regular' ' expressions. Symbolic group names are stored and may be' ' used for string templating. Example: (?P&lt;name&gt;pattern)', ) def __str__(self): return self.pattern[:68]